Why sit when you can stand? Benefits of a height adjustable desk.

Workplaces and offices can often be quite sedentary environments. Sitting at your desk for the majority of the day (not to mention the car ride to work and the TV time on the couch after a hard days work!) can lead to all sorts of physical problems. 

A sit stand desk, also known as a height adjustable desk, has been proven to be hugely beneficial in reducing the risk of a lot of these problems caused by excessive sitting. A sit stand desk is essentially a desk that can have its height adjusted (either manually or using a motor) from a sitting position to a standing position within seconds. 

Here are 7 benefits of using a sit stand desk which have been proven by a number of scientific studies. 

1. Standing burns a lot more calories than sitting

When compared to sitting at your desk, standing at your desk can burn at least 850 additional calories in a week! Studies have shown that over 170 more calories are burned by people standing at their desk than sitting, in just a 3 hour time frame. This is why long periods of sitting can be linked to obesity and metabolic disease.

2. Using a standing desk may reduce blood sugar levels

Multiple studies have shown that excessive sitting time can lead to a staggering 112% increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes when compared to those who sit less. 

Standing is also crucially important when returning to work after lunch. One study showed a 43% drop in the blood sugar spike when standing for 3 hours after lunch, as compared to those who sat for the same time period.

3. Using a standing desk may reduce your risk of heart disease

The effect sitting has on the health of your heart has been researched over multiple studies and has shown that prolonged sedentary time can increase the risk of heart disease by up to 147%. Even one hour of intense exercise may not be enough to neutralise the damage caused by sitting down all day. 

4. Standing is better for your back

Anyone who has experienced mild back pain will know that being sedentary for a long period of time does anything but improve the situation, especially if you are seated in an office chair without any ergonomic support. This is because you are putting more pressure on your back as you are seated, and it is much harder to have good posture when in a chair. 

A recent study was conducted on participants experiencing chronic lower back pain, which showed that over a 3 month period, pain levels were reduced significantly for those who were using a sit stand desk as compared to those who continued to just sit.

5. Sit stand desks help improve mood and energy levels

Sit stand desks can even have an impact on your overall well being. In one study participants were given sit stand desks to monitor their perceived mood and energy levels. 87% of participants stated that they felt increased levels of vigor and energy, and an improved mood. When the sit stand desks were taken away, these increased energy and mood levels reverted back to their original levels within 2 weeks.

6. Standing at your desk may increase productivity

Some may be concerned that working at a computer in a standing position can lead to being uncomfortable and finding it difficult to type on their keyboard. However this notion has been tested on young study participants and shown that there is no discernable drop in efficiency and effectiveness when working on their computer whilst standing. 

And given that there has proven to be less complaints of musculoskeletal issues when using a sit stand desk, and reports of increased energy and mood, the action of switching between a seated and standing position may actually increase levels of productivity.

7. Standing may even help you live longer!

As crazy as it may sound, studies have found evidence showing that there is a strong correlation between increased sitting time and early death. 

A review of 18 studies consisting of a total 800,000 participants actually showed that those who sit the most compared with those who sit the least had a 49% increased risk of dying from diabetes or heart related diseases. 

Another study estimated that reducing sitting time to 3 hours per day would raise the average person's life expectancy by 2 years.

Sitting for long periods has serious health and wellbeing implications, which can be combated by the use of sit stand desks, in conjunction with regular exercise. 

James Harrison Office specialises in providing a range of customisable sit stand desks, from manual straight desks, to 3 motor electric corner workstations and everything in between. We can deliver and install your sit stand desk statewide, and we provide ongoing support and service. Contact us today for a free quote.


Are You Sitting Correctly?